Company Services -

Company Services

Thank you for taking the first step in making Bert Rodgers Schools your recommended school of choice for professional licensing!

Bert Rodgers School’s offers a variety of options to our partnering companies to connect with our quality students.

Referral Network:

Joining the Bert Rogers Schools referral network gives you the opportunity to provide the students you refer to Bert Rodgers Schools a discount on their Real Estate pre-licensing tuition. Upon the students’ course completion you will receive a referral certificate that can be used for free courses. Once enrolled you will be provided your own personal web page for you to distribute to potential licensees. This personal web page will automatically apply your discount and send you a referral certificate once the student completes their course. In addition, you will gain access to recruiting opportunities including our online job board. Enroll Now Click Here!

Job Postings:

Bert Rodgers Schools offers a free job posting page where you can quickly and easily submit an ad for open positions within your company. This is a free service that we offer companies who are looking to hire our graduates. Enroll Now Click Here!